When God calls...

30/06/2013 19:22

God calls in a special way

by Sr. Janice of St. Albert of Jerusalem


“God calls us in a special way, we can’t really hide or escape from him if it is really his will; whoever we are, wherever we go.  I am Sr. Ma. Janice Panolino of St. Albert of Jerusalem, 2nd daughter among the four children of Mila Dumalag and Nephtali Panolino, born on 18th of May 1980. Going back to my past, I could say that God started knocking at the door of my poor heart since my childhood. One day, my father brought me to a funeral of his aunt. There, I met his cousin, a Franciscan sister. Being a child, I enjoyed watching her saying: “Maybe isn’t bad to become like her someday.” In my innocence, I’d never thought that my words would be fulfilled. Since I didn’t have any idea about religious life nor what was the meaning of vocation. Besides, I seldom saw my parents praying or going to the church. Only my grandmother who eagerly taught us how to pray the rosary and novena to our family patron, St. James. The time passed by, but my desire to become a religious didn’t change. Hence, it became stronger than before. The seed that God planted in my heart was still very young yet, He wanted to reap it.

At the age of 19, unknown to my mother, without any hesitations or fears, I tried to open it up to my father. First, he was not able to say anything. After a long silence, he only nodded as a sign of his approval. I knew how much I hurt him however he showed all his support  just to make me happy. In fact, he was the one who found a congregation where I could enter. Before entering convent, I encountered trials perhaps to prove me, but I didn’t give- up. Actually, I used them as an instrument on how to be strong in facing hindrances along my daily journey.

Year 2000, the door of the Teresian Sisters at Cebu was opened for me and the two Italian Sisters welcomed me with open arms. During the years of formation, struggles and difficulties had really purified me and at the same time I was happy because it molded my personality and I discovered many things about my very own self. All of these were the gifts from God who helps me to walk on my journey perseveringly.

After 3 years of formation, I was sent here in Italy by our Mother general. My life was totally changed. I had to adapt everything: language, food, weather, culture, people around me etc. Living in a different world was not quite easy. However, God had never abandoned me, in fact he gave me an enough strength to face the daily challenges.

Yes, it’s true that “God doesn’t leave those who trust in Him and those who sow with tears will reap with joy”. Now my life turns back normally thanks for the presence of my co sisters specially to the old ones who have become my inspiration, telling me “don’t give up”.  I am not afraid to face problems now because I know that God  loves me and He  is always at my side ready to help me. As St. Paul says: “When I am weak then I am strong.”  14th of October 2010 together with my two co- sister I gave my total “yes” to Him as my total consecration. My journey doesn’t end up here but it is just my starting point towards my new life. Hoping that I will be faithful to what I had promised and may the Lord continue to water the small seed he planted in my heart. 


