Spiritual journey

30/06/2013 15:48


•      The community welcomes young women who feel called to the religious life and  willing to share and adjust to the lifestyle of the community. The candidates  are allowed to experience  religious life  inside the convent for one year.


•       It is the initial period of formation for religious life in which the candidate  deepens her vocation with the help of the spiritual director and the sister in charge. The  candidates  experience the life in the community with awareness and responsibility.


 The novitiate is the essential stage of formation. It introduces the novices to greater charity through the practice of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience, which they will later profess. It gives  the novices a greater understanding  of their divine vocation and of their vocation to our congregation.




•      This is the stage where the juniors continue their formation in preparation for the final vows or perpetual profession. They become part of the community life as they live their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, temporarily renewing them annually that lasts for six years.



•       Through perpetual profession, we offer ourselves to God alone in the service of others, the Church according to the Teresian charism.  It constitutes a radical commitment for life which must determine all our subsequent choices. 

