His soft voice...

30/06/2013 20:14



The mystery of God’s call on me

By Sr. Mary Gift




How refreshing it is to recall my childhood dream!  My mother was a deeply devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. From her I had learned many religiuos practices, particularly the holy rosary which I had learned to pray at the age of six. My vocation started, I would say, when my mother brought me one day in a town fiesta where I met a nun for the first time. She was wearing a brown habit. Her presence had brought me strong impression. She became so attracted to me and surprisingly I was able to tell my mother: “Ma…when I grow up, I would like to become like her”. She simply responded me with her sweet smile.

Years had passed so fast. By God’s grace I was able to finish my studies and eventually find a job. My life was spent with this kind of daily routine. But I had never forgotten to think that incident of seeing for the first time a nun during that town fiesta. Actually, it became like a voice that repeatedly entered into my mind: “The calling of God”!  It brought me one day at the feet of my parents asking their blessings for having the intention of following my vocation.  It wasn’t easy for I knew how they loved their youngest child. They remained speechless, seeing each other’s eyes, waiting who would talk first. It was the most unwanted moment, the separation, but I had already decided to follow the voice of the Most High. My parents were happy with my decision though it wasn’t easy for them to accept the reality. But I was quite sure that in the bottom of their hearts, they believed, they were blessed! Tears fell from their eyes when I left. Consequently I did prepare everything before I left especially the responsibility that I had with my nephew.  Even my brothers and sisters were really amazed with my decision but they couldn’t hinder me anymore. The time was over!

To make it short, I was able to meet this congregation (TERESIAN SISTERS) who welcomed and loved me like a daughter.  During the formation years certainly there were difficulties, but by the grace of God, I was able to continue. They were instruments for good; to shape my personality towards maturity.

Now I am content with my life.  Of course the journey is not yet finished. I’m just beginning a new phase. I am sure however that God will never abandon me.  He loves me more than I know. And may the Blessed Virgin Mary continue to guide and protect my journey as I follow His son Jesus, to fulfill my vows till the end of my life. So be it.


