Article archive

30/06/2013 13:56

Christ has no body but yours...

      Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours, Yours are the eyes through which is to look out Christ's compassion to the world; Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men...


30/06/2013 13:46

Religiuos vocation is special gift.

    A religious vocation is a special grace that God gives to certain persons, calling them to a life of the evangelical counsels.    There is more than passing value in stressing the fact that a religious vocation is a grace. It is, therefore, a gift and an opportunity that...


30/06/2013 13:33

Let me be your faithful servant

MY STORY.... by Sr. May Anne of  St Teresa of Avila   I am Sr. May Anne Bulfango. I was born in Cebu city on May 22 1983. When I was a little girl my mother used to bring me at Sto Niño basilica every Friday. One day she told me to kneel down in front of the image of the little Jesus to...


30/06/2013 13:31

His soft voice...

The mystery of God’s call on me By Sr. Josephine of St. Mary Magdalene   How refreshing it is to recall my childhood dream! I am Sr. Josephine Abregana Mamac, born on Septeber 7, 1975 in the wilderness of Brgy. Canbantug, Argao, Cebu. My mother was a deeply devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary....


30/06/2013 13:28

God is love...

GOD LOVES ME MORE THAN I KNOW By Sr. Grace of  St.  Anne   When I was in grade III my cousin asked me what would I want to be in the future. I told her that I would like to become a nun though I didn’t see even know any nun. It was amazing because of the words that came out from my...


30/06/2013 13:16

"If you wanto to follow me, take up your cross and deny yourself and follow me."

The Seed of my vocation By Sr. Elizabeth of St Elijah   God calls everyone no matter how sinful and who we are. When He calls, he insists knocking at door of our hearts. He seduces us just to share his very own life for his chosen ones. Life is a gift from God. This is my strong belief. So I...


30/06/2013 13:10

He calls me in a special way...

MY CALL  By Sr.  Estrella of St Therese of the child Jesus Since I was young, I was interested to hear stories about God. It grew more especially, when I attended my religion class as well as hearing the Sunday Masses together with my family. My vocation started, I would say strongly when...


30/06/2013 13:04

When God calls...

God calls in a special way by Sr. Janice of St. Albert of Jerusalem   “God calls us in a special way, we can’t really hide or escape from him if it is really his will; whoever we are, wherever we go.  I am Sr. Ma. Janice Panolino of St. Albert of Jerusalem, 2nd daughter among the four...


30/06/2013 13:02

No turning turning back!

If there is a will, there is a way... by Sr. Cora  of St. John of the Cross   I grew up in a catholic, simple and poor family; my parents were both devoted in prayer and every morning their rosary was my alarm clock. It was beautiful enough upon seeing them together kneeled in prayer...


30/06/2013 10:57


PRAYER FOR THE GIFT OF OBEDIENCE   LORD JESUS, help me to hear you better  and to live in obedience to your loving will for me. Give me a great increase in the charism of obedience according to the spirit of my institute so that I may follow you in the way for which...
